Welcome back to the MLC series loves.
Today I’m going into detail with our primary bedroom and the progress with that. I can’t even begin to tell you, honestly, just how hard it was to leave behind our old bedroom after putting so much effort into it and falling in love with the design. The thing is, I obviously could take everything with me from the old bedroom but the new one is a different setup and therefore won’t work the same with the pieces I had before. A little heartbreak but I’ve been looking forward to the possibilities this room will have once we’re able to focus on it.
I’m most excited about adding all of the moulding, including crown, chair and panel moulding. I feel like moulding by its self makes such a statement and difference in a space and that’s truly what I miss most about our previous bedroom.
When moving in, we immediately chose to change the carpet which is something that I was really happy about as I’ve hated having brown carpet for years. I went with a pretty white trellis design and also painted the walls and ceiling a creamy pearl color called Soft Chamois by Benjamin Moore.
Bringing back a favorite from the previous bedroom the bed frame, which unfortunately seemed to sell out not long after I bought it from Wayfair. Otherwise I would give your a direct link to that but here is something close enough. I also added there beautiful matching mirrored side tables with stunning Venetian mirrors above, linked here. I’ve also played with the idea of pink curtains but ultimately decided on these Au Lait velvet drapes from Amazon. Find those here.
Other additions include this rug from Safavieh which features a silver and ivory color scheme with a damask print, linking that here. And also a lovely tufted bench with French vibes and I’ll link that here for you. The acrylic lamps on both sides of the bed are also Safavieh beauties and here’s the link for those.
I can’t believe just how quickly the time has passed. There’s so much to do but I’m happy to finally share with you my home so far. Having a baby and moving with three other little ones has been quite a lot to take in but we’re finally getting settled. I’m looking forward to being able to share more often with you as time passes too.
On that note, I have content coming of what I’d think of as a band-aiding of our kitchen ( small makeover until we can do a large one), whatever you’d like to call it, and I’ll have that to share with you this week.